Homesteading Notes

February 2006


Time is just flying by with another month over half finished. I plan things and few actually get done. I have been working on the new garden fence and it is in place and ready. Randy build 3 raised beds and I am eager to get them filled with dirt. The weather held out fine for weeks but now has gone back to winter.

Randy has finished the new greenhouse and I hope to get the photos up and ready for all to see, next week. Our changes with the newsletter are many and I hope to get this week's done by tomorrow morning. Our weather is calling or ice tomorrow afternoon and we hope it starts early so Randy can stay home and avoid the hazard.

The egg production has picked up again now that the days are growing longer. I keep their light on a bit more and give them less scratch and more laying mash. But the hens are not so old that they can't still lay lots of wonderful eggs.