Newborns in Need |
Hello, I am Evelyn Nimeskern and I am the President of the Southern Indiana Chapter of Newborns in Need. We make and donate preemie and newborn baby clothes to hospitals and the poor where ever they are. Our National Home Office is in Houston, Missouri and you can read more about us at our website. Just visit through the link above. A quick story here, we donate toys to law enforcement , fire departments , etc. I ran out of stuffing one time and had 12 more dolls to finish for the next delivery to law enforcement. Late at night, due to deliver the next day type of situation, I cut up a bunch of plastic bags and stuffed them with that. I was told later that one little girl asked the sheriff if she could have one that talks. He informed her that I didn't make ones that talked. She said her Sister got one, and sure enough, when you squeeze them, they make a sound. So since then I've stuffed all my talking dolls with shredded plastic bags. Sometimes I'm begging for plastic bags. What a surprise to my family and friends. HUGS ! |
______________________________ We are in the summer donating mode at this time . Everything we are sewing now is for the hot weather babies. Little butterfly shirts, diaper shirts , light weight receiving blankets, quilts , bonnets and caps . Most of our volunteers are farm ladies, so not much time for sewing right now. I have some ladies who don't sew, but want to help. I always have a great answer to those folks. Can you tie a knot? Then you could tie quilts, for the babies. Do you have scissors? Would you like to cut out patterns, for the others to sew? Some folks have 'ol Arthur in their hands, and are not able to cut very much . My Great Grandma , sewed for the poor during the 1st world war . My Grandma, who raised me, sewed for the Relief (welfare) Mommies during the depression. So I gather from this back ground, sewing for the needy, just comes naturally to me . I remember the men would bring in huge rolls of flannel for Grandma and her little helper, (me) to make layettes for the ladies needing them. Things have changed somewhat though since the depression. Back then we made diapers and plenty of them. Seldom do we ever get a request for diapers now-a-days. I certainly do enjoy sewing for "MY BABIES". Especially the "PREEMIES". The smallest one I have ever made clothes for was a 12oz, little guy. He's 4 years old now , and his Mommie sends me a photo of him every year on his birthday. This Ministry gives me lots of WARM FUZZES . I thank MY GOD every day for giving me this job to do for HIM in HIS name. Evelyn