the latest photos


If you want to know about the weather here, it's freezing !!  it's been minus 2 degrees for a couple of nights now, but not so cold as it is for my son who is in Belarus, Russia at the moment where it's been minus 18 degrees !!  not my idea of a holiday, but his partner is a Russian lady and he is over there for three weeks to 'meet the folks'.  A lovely experience for him anyway.  I have missed him, as out of the three of my children, he is more like a 'friend'.

It is quite mild in the daytime, so my goats have been out, Angel, the one who thinks he's a dog !  is turning out to be quite naughty !  he climbs or leaps over everything just to follow me around,  I can't let him do it though in case he eats something poisonous here, and in case he 'gets to' the lady goats !!  wouldn't it be just awful if I were to have baby goats here, I don't know how I would cope ( he he he)
I've finished writing my book (booklet) about relocating to the country and changing lifestyle, now I have to learn how to promote and publish it, it's like pushing a bus uphill for me ! but I won't be beaten.



It's really nice to know folks have written about me, makes me feel better !

I've retrieved the pics from off your site, I'm so glad about that.
I've lost a couple of bunnies since we last 'spoke', they were very old but it still hurts very much.
I'm doing my best to try and find somewhere else to live right now, it isn't easy with all the animals I've got, they are my first priority though, and where I go, they go !
I hand feed some wild pheasants here, they really are the most beautiful of birds, the colour of their feathers is magnificent, they are so friendly too, it breaks my heart when the pheasent shooting season starts, each time I hear a gun I know another special life has ended.  I feed them to keep them close to the house and hope they wont' be spotted.  I'm sending you a pic of my special friend 'Matey' he just hopped into the guinea pigs hutch to clear up all the spilled grain.  He waits with his friend each morning for his breakfast.  I hope  you like the  picture.
My eldest son is in Belarus, Russia right now, it's minus 18 degrees, his partner is Russian you see, I miss him, out of the three of my dearly loved children, he is more like a friend.  I'll be glad when he gets home next week.