12 First off, thanks to everyone who sent suggestions to Nita about how to deal with skunks and their stink. I'm still reading through some of them, but have compiled a list of ideas to try. Fortunately, with the temperatures getting cooler this week the skunks have not been as active and we've been smell-free. (CLICK HERE) |
I've been fighting a nasty cold all week and was without a voice from
Sunday evening until yesterday. It would have been nice to curl up
in bed and rest, but I didn't feel I could call off work when they are
so short handed as it is and of course the kids needed to be run all
over the place this week. Tim is not getting home until 7:30 or
8:00 most nights so he wasn't able to help out with that. Today I
am finally feeling better and Megan is home from school. She has
many of the same complaints I had....headache, sore throat, stuffy head,
achy and tired. The kids and I went to church on Sunday. Tim still isn't comfortable going after all that went on. I am going, but don't know what I'm going to do in the long run. The preaching is good, but the fellowship isn't what it should be and I find it a little lonely there. I still lead the youth group and that is a consideration. I'd hate to leave unless there is someone to step in and take over. Anyway, Matt had to go straight to the school after church for the final performance of the musical, The King and I. He is on stage crew. Tim, Megan and I went to visit our friends, Helen and Dave. We had a real nice visit. The guys sat in the livingroom and talked about work, farming, the good old days (they went to school together) and other guy stuff. Helen and I poured over seed and plant catalogs, petted the kitties, discussed the plans for her kitchen remodel and the process for adoption (Helen and Dave have one adopted child and are going through the approval process for another). Megan had a good time painting and talking with Danielle. We left there early enough to stop and visit Tim's dad, who lives with Tim's sister just a few miles from Helen and Dave. Tim's relationship with his family is strained so it was a very welcome surprise to have a pleasant time with them. I sure do wish it could be like that all the time. Matthew started volleyball this week. He has 2-3 hours of practice every day. It wouldn't be so bad if it was at the same time but it jumps all over. Some days he stays after school and I pick him up on the way home. Somedays practice doesn't start until 7:00 and it's 9:00 when he needs picked up. Other days it falls in between those times. Tuesday I took Megan to 4H and the kids listened to a presentation about health issues. Mainly it was about cleanliness and a little bit about good touch and bad touch. Then they learned a little about parlimentary procedure because next week they will elect officers for the new year. Some of them also picked out material for their sewing project. Megan is hoping to make pajamas. Tim brought home a large wooden packing crate on Wednesday....think along the lines of the crate the leg lamp was in in A Christmas Story. With the top removed it makes a very good box for chicks. It is about 3' x 5' with sides 3' high. It also has a base built on that raises it a good bit off the floor. It's actually a bit too high for me to work with comfortably (I have visions of falling in on my head) and Tim is going to have to cut a gate into the side for me. The peeps arrived Thursday morning. All 26 of them! We got one extra chick for some reason, so we have 11 Buff Orpingtons, 5 Black Australorps, 5 Silver-laced Wyandottes and 5 Aruncanas. They are just so fluffy and cute and they seem happy in their new home. They are chirping away and scampering around and eating and drinking well. Megan has, I think, shown them to nearly everyone in the neighborhood. I don't blame her. They're so fun to watch. I keep going out myself to "check on them." I've done some cleaning and rearranging this week (spring fever), but haven't gotten nearly as much done as I'd hoped because of my cold. Hopefully, I'll get more done this weekend now that I'm feeling better. Well, I have to fix lunch for Megan before I head back to work for the afternoon run so I'd better get going. Hope everyone has had a wonderful week and look forward, have a Happy St. Patrick's Day! Carpe diem! |