03-12-04 Notes of Bird Sightings |
While I was outside working yesterday, I heard the
voices of many, many geese flying overhead. Not the regular noise of
them moving around the area but the distance calling of a large group
high above as they moved quickly to the North. We are due for at least
one more major cold front but they sure seemed serious about their
venture. They spend every winter (since we've been here and I notice) in
this area but are rarely seen and only heard occasionally.
We had the sound of whippoorwills and lots of them all through the early summer last year. Then the owls moved in and there were no more whippoorwill songs. We had the owls, about 3 or 4, making racket every night even getting into nighttime arguments with Max who would rather have been sleeping. I notice now that we've not had owl noises in about 6 weeks. Perhaps the whippoorwills will be back this year.