The "Chicken Health Handbook" mentioned that adding electrolyte supplements to water, chickens would weather the heat better. So I went to my local feed store, and asked if they had water soluble electrolytes for chickens. Sure enough, they did. (Kind of made me wonder why they would not recommend them when buying the chicks, as we live in such a hot climate???!!!)
What my store has is made by Fort Dodge. It is vitamins AND electrolytes. Its in a pouch that is designed to be put in a huge tank...but the guy at the store said they figured about a teaspoon to a gallon. When I did the math, that seemed pretty strong still, so I do about 1/2 teaspoon to a gallon. They don't guzzle down as much water as they do when it is just plain old water. I think (just MY opinion) it's because it tastes different, and also because it hydrates them better. We call it "Chicken Gatorade."  The one important thing is that you HAVE to change the water EVERY day, as the electrolytes will spoil.