Caught another mouse in one of the glue traps. I'm really very pleased with those traps, but Mowgli is still in deathly fear of all mice, particularly so of the ones that squeak! Poor dog - not quite the big, fierce hunter his Mother was. More pigeons! Two more babies and two more eggs. |
Yes, the price of chicken frames is
supposed to be going up this week, and I've asked around but still
have some checking out to do.
Quote for the Week: "There's a
mighty big difference between good, sound reason and reasons that
sound good." Burton Hillis. To which Lisa Jane
McInnes-Smith has added, "Choose carefully!"
Brian has found a wonderful way to
get good nesting boxes, particularly for guinea pigs and rabbits: get
a large commercial container that has had something like dishwashing
liquid in it. Cut a hole in the side that would make easy access
for the herbivore, but not so big that it feels uneasy. NB Don't
forget to make it large enough to put your hand in easily - you
may want to rescue an ill/dead body, and cleaning is way easier.
You can always check them quickly by unscrewing the cap on top.
Make sure, of course, that the container is properly cleaned out.
Put some fresh hay in for bedding and you have some very happy
To source these, ring up you local
cleaning suplies firm. Often, they have a hard time finding a
place for such containers once emptied.
It's been rush, rush, rush since
starting the new job. Brian has been a dear, and even after
working a twelve hour night shift, has kindly arisen an hour or
so after getting home and fed the animals. He often has
exercised the German Sheperds, brought washing in and hung out
the washing newly clean. Bless him! What a husband.
A couple of food hints: Lettuce will
rust more slowly if there is no excess moisture in its container.
To keep your lettuce bag or refrigerator vegetable compartment
relatively dry, put in a few dry paper towels or dry sponges to
absorb excess water. Put a celery stalk in the bag with a loaf
of bread; moisture from the celery will help keep the bread fresh
We've been seeing a few foxes
who have tangled with vehicles and lost on our roads lately, one quite
near us. They are magnificent critters, but I do not like them
around our chooks, etc.
Our lives are but
dim mirrors of Your own
pallid reflections of all that
You want us to be.
We journey as though
How wrong we mere humans are!
Though You care for each of us
(You know us by name, you made us)
our lives here are but a staging post
And every so often
we get a glimpse in a smile
in a caress, in a hug
and we can see those palaces
with our names on them
Ahh, bliss!