Alternative Resources |
This is the U.S. Department of Energy. Find Technology on Programs for on Geothermal Systems, Biomass, Building, Distributed Energy, Freedom CAR & Vehicle Programs, Hydrogen, Fuel Cells & Infrastructure; Solar Energy Weatherization, Wind & Hydro Power. On the left side, see the column for Kids and you will go to Dr. E's Energy Lab. Excellent! |
You may not be ready to buy items to implement on your own homestead, but you can enjoy looking around and learning lots of great information here! I get their monthly email newsletter and enjoy every one! |
If you enjoy the simplicity of Zen, you will enjoy looking around the Chopa website. I always get great ideas. |
I had gone looking for the tips section but the link wouldn't work. The entire page is interesting. Make sure you visit the Our Environment Section where you will find Alternative Energy. They are researching! |
This page opens to Capture the Power but make sure you also visit the Energy Tips from the column on the left side of the page. |
Most interesting concept and not just for schools but also the workplace. They have a free email newsletter if you wish to sign up. |
Insulating Concrete Forms for Residential & Commercial Construction. When you have the need, this is most interesting. |
Learn about preventable health and development problems caused by exposure to toxic substances in homes, schools and communities. |
The campaign for environmentally responsible health care. Interesting topics. |
Advice, insight, humor and even some recipes! They offer a free email newsletter- chose daily or weekly. Plenty to keep you reading on many subjects. I signed up for the weekly edition. They asked for some extra info but promised to not even share it. |
The Midwest Renewable Energy Association is a nonprofit network for sharing ideas, resources, and information with individuals, businesses, and communities to promote a sustainable future through renewable energy and energy efficiency. |