We had a beautiful August and have started September with mild days and 60 degree nights. Such a nice chill in the air. What a relief. The Asarina blooms are a gorgeous surprise. One big batch has no blooms at all, not one. The other group has been making blooms for several weeks now. The photos show lots of the small purple blooms that all face downward. The blue one above is the only blue color and looks upward. So beautiful. Randy has been to the dentist and the cardiologist both in the past few weeks. Seems as we grow older some things are more important. Deciding you really want to provide upkeep on the body. Pain is more acute and just won't go away with out tending. Priorities must be set and goals met. The energy of youth is no longer available and work projects must be met at a slower pace. Importance must be considered; deciding what will get done and what probably won't be done. The puppies, Beau and Sammy, are doing good but in need of scrubbing. The start itching and scratching without regular baths. The shampoo that didn't work was not worth the effort. The one that did work has the same sulfur that was their mange treatment. The itching was stopped immediately and we are just fixing to scrub a pup in a tub. I keep wishing for small wading pools but there are none to be found in this area. Every day now, I am saying I will get started on the brush cutting but with any clearing, it will be overgrown again in a week's time. I am also going to try Byron Tumlinson's method of weed killer, vinegar spray. I would like pathways that don't need cleaning all the time. I would like no stickers all over the place. I like the winter clearing just so things do not grow back until spring. |