I'm afraid I'll have to be quick with this one - I spent far too much time packing, unpacking and re-packing for a four day trip interstate! In a recent "Doing up the Block" in The Weekly Times, when you use oil-based paint, the author recommends using a bit of Mineral Turpentine and a slop of linseed oil |
(exact measurements I'll leave to your
imagination!), so that the paint "slips" a bit as he claims
that the paint is always too sticky out of the can. If you have
access to "Penetrol" (I don't know what this is in other
countries, sorry) that's even better than linseed oil, as it is faster
drying, makes an improved paint, and it flows flatter.
Apparently, the idea is that if you can get hold of real turps and not
the mineralised stuff, it's just the best you can do for any job
involving oil-based paint. So there you go.
From The Ultimate Book of Money Hints by
Bay Books, 1995, Sydney, Australia:
For flies:
We now have two lots of goslings, and all are doing well. There
are still sixteen geese laying! One of our guinea pigs (cavies)
has become a mum, but of the four babies, two died. The other
two are as cute as a rodent could be. Actually, they are
incredibly so.
The crows are gathering, knowing that they may have easy pickings.
Horrid things. They certainly grab the old, discarded eggs from
the nests.
All is quiet, other than that.
I glimpse it in the stars
and the all but palpable blackness
that surrounds them and me
I can imagine soaring through it
never ending, warm and cool
I see it in the ocean
that stretches unendingly before me
the waves that beckon to carry me away
I imagine it in the sound of a bell
going on forever, its rings
like a drop, the circles expanding
And sometimes, it's You, Lord,
I feel Eternity when You talk.