Ideas to Spark your Memories! |
What do your memories hold? What are fondly remembered? Please share with us things you have known. The topics may include but are not limited to the following. If these only spark your own cherished memories, please send them in; we'd love to share what you remember. The fashion of the era. I remember pillbox hats with the little veil; a few flowers. Do you remember dresses? Have some old photos to share? Your favorite Radio and Television shows from the past. Who, what and when. Do you have treasures you have kept over the years? Dolls? Doll beds or clothes? Trinket and items collected? Tell us about them. Do you remember days of rationing? Coupons? What you did to make things last longer? How did your family make meals stretch to feel all the hungry mouths? What were your favorite meals and least favored? Did your mother pack a lunch for you to take to school? Did your family (or parents) have a business they ran to support the family where everyone worked to help out? Did you migrate to where the work was available? Do you remember country festivals and quilting bees? Were the quilts sold for fund raising? Do you have funny stories that have been around for generations you would share with everyone? Remember the kindness of someone who came to your aid when you really needed it? Do you have fond memories of when you met your spouse? Are you finding special memories of Christmas' of the past? Times that were made wonderful by the help of others? Have you worked at volunteer jobs that were more rewarding than other jobs you've known? Do you have a favorite old-time poem or story that has stuck with you over the years that you will share? Do you have people of the past you are always keeping an eye out for? Have a picture or just a name? Do you remember 1957 when a first class stamp was 3 cents. Bread was 19¢ a loaf, eggs were 83 cents a dozen, milk was a dollar a gallon. Minimum wage was $1 and hour and the average annual income was $5,443. What things do you remember? What years do you remember best? Did you live in a house with an outhouse? Do you have memories of dark nights and cold mornings? I remember a school where all the second and third graders were in one very big room. The 2nd grade had class in the morning and got to sit in the front of the room and in the afternoon, the 3rd grade was at the front for their lessons. Do you remember a one-room school? How many students did your one teacher have? Country schools? City schools? Military times- haphazards and adventures of the comical nature. Do you have stories you remember as told to you by your elders? Mom, grandmother or dad, granddad? Please share them and preserve them forever. Print them out later and add to your own scrapbook.
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