Notes November 2004 |
11-05-04 I came across an article in BirdNest.com telling about Blue Jays. It mentions that they eat grasshoppers and I'd never heard or read that anywhere before. We still have plenty so I will do more to make the jays more comfortable. I once read where crows eat grasshoppers and I welcome them as well. With all the great rainfall, the wildbirds have not been coming up to the yard water and seeds nearly as much as in years past. There are plenty of wild seeds available. There are still some monarch butterflies around but not many. The big black and yellow ones are long gone. So far, we've seen none of the goldfinches we so love. The feeders are out and ready where we had none of the special seeds last year yet had lots of finches of all kinds. We'll keep on hoping to see the little beauties.