After seeing the first goldfinches in the posting of the 11th, we had 4 days straight of heavy rains. I was afraid they'd moved on to better weather but I looked out this morning to see 5 of them at one time at the table eating all the seeds I had dumped from the feeder. Most of the seeds were wet but the birds didn't seem to mind. We had an afternoon of more rain, often very heavy. There are yet a few Cardinals, Tufties and Chickadees. A few different wrens and of course, the Blue Jays. |
The Goldfinches are back! I had been watching every day just hoping to see the little beauties this season. It is always cold before they return. I will now wait to read other folks say that they have disappeared from their area. I put out the feeders with the nettles and the finch mix several weeks ago. But today, I put out generous handfuls of sunflower nuggets, their most favorite of all. We've had lots of native seeds this year so there have been few birds coming up to the feeder lately. The cardinals didn't seem to like the little fence and the new seed table with the supports and extra hangers. So, we took down the little fence. It was only to keep the outside cat out. The outside cat left about 3 weeks ago and has not been back. The two other wild cats have not been around much either. I moved the finch feeders back to hang from the tree branches where they'd been before. It is so nice to see their colorful little bodies back at the feeders. They have such a pleasant unique chatter. Ah, life is indeed good. |