I am sitting here in front of the computer, munching on Cardamom Pods (interesting in itself) after too much garlic in the souvlaki I had for dinner tonight. I didn't want to blow Brian away with the odour tomorrow morning when he comes home from work. I have found Cardamom seeds or pods to be the very best thing for bad breath, but I sometimes wonder which is worst - the trouble or the cure. |
I was just sharing with Nita how very
tired Brian is, as he has been working so hard and sleeping so little.
Not only has he his regular shift work out at Deakin, he also has been
harvesting quite a bit, and it's all beginning to take toll.
This weekend, perforce, he has to have
off, as Alice has the State Gymnastics Competition down at Geelong,
which is the second biggest city in Victoria, after Melbourne.
After that, we're headed for the Grampians
because the Spring Celebration has rolled around again, and we need
some time out.
Last year the weather was just beautiful,
and we had a good turnout of Salvationists. I'm hoping that this
year will be even better. Thankfully, it's all under cover.
I managed to land my job, although I'm
still marked as "Casual", but Nadia, my immediate superior,
is sending off soon to some Receptionist Courses in Melbourne, so
that's looking good. People don't, I know, bother to train
someone just to fire them.
We haven't yet seen the inside of the
rental house Brian, Alice and I all like. Perhaps Monday, as
they are having a lot of trouble with the key. I do hope we get
Too often precious time
slips by
and we think
"Where did the day go?"
Moon by moon
Month by month
And here I am
so many dramas
so much life
How much difference
has each of us made
and I wonder
how much difference
have I made?
And I think back
to smiles, to sighs,
through love and life
and I know it's been worth it
I wouldn't be a hermit for quids!