Arlene Wright-Correll |
Frugal Living©
by Arlene Wright-Correll
Frugal living is not about being cheap. Living frugal is about living within your means, reusing, saving money, using coupons, not going without. Frugal Simplicity ... it's not just about saving money, it's a way of life! My grandmother used to say, "There's more than one way to skin a cat," that I have heard during my life and while growing up. By the same token, there's more than one way to save money, and not having to do without. Everyone can save money somehow. Over the years I have found out that little steps can make a world of difference. There are countless ways to trim your budget, yet still live nicely. Making minor changes and substitutions can make a huge difference in the amount of money that goes out of your house monthly. Bank those savings for a rainy day or a special something you've been wanting. Frugal Tips To Save You Money offers various ways and ideas to trim your budget and live on less. Here are some helpful hints. Are you paying too much for your prescription medicines? Try getting a generic brand next time. Every generic medicine I have ever used is just as good as the nationally known brand, but costs much less. For those that need a lot of different medications on a regular basis, the cost can run into a hefty amount. Don't shop for groceries when you're hungry. You end up buying more than you intended. Make a grocery list before leaving the house. Then stick to it! Only use the coupons for things you normally buy and use. Only try something new if you have a coupon. No coupon, call the toll free manufacturer's number and request one. 95% of the time they will send you $2.00 to $5.00 worth of coupons. Turn off the heat dry cycle of your dishwasher. After the wash cycle, open the door of the dishwasher and let the dishes air dry overnight. This saves money on your power bill, and the dishes dry just as nicely as using the heat function. Baking? After you are finished and have turned off the oven, leave your oven door open as if to broil, the left over heat adds to keeping your thermostate from going on. Pet accidents can be taken care of with baking soda. If the pet has an accident, sprinkle with baking soda and let dry, then vacuum. The baking soda will take care of the stain and the odor. This is much cheaper than the store pet cleaner, and does just as well. Heal marks on floors from shoes can easily be removed by using baking soda. Using a wet mop or towel, sprinkle baking soda on the marked area and clean as usual. Never buy anything that is full price. Only make purchases that are on sale and on big items, try to bargain some more. Not satisfied with the results, just walk away and you will be surprised that somewhere between what they seller wants and what you are willing to pay is the price you can both agree upon. Go to the flea markets and to the outdoor produce stands towards the end of the day. Prices are better. These sellers do not want to pack their stuff back up and take it home with them. Don't go crazy at Christmas. Give of yourself. By giving your time and energy at Christmas, you will help your family to take their focus off of themselves. It will also make it easier to feel grateful. No matter what you have or don't have, someone has less. Give to them. You could read to older people, go caroling, bake some cookies and visit with some lonely people. Donate some of your extra stuff cluttering up your house to a charity or volunteer in any other way that fits your family.
"Tread the Earth Lightly" & in the
may your day be filled with... Peace, Light, and Love, Arlene
[email protected]
the author, Arlene
Wright-Correll (1935-
), free lance writer, award winning artist and avid
gardener is mother of 5 and the grandmother of 8.
For almost 40 years she was an International real estate
consultant and during the last 20 years of her career traveled to
many parts of the world. She
has been a cancer and stroke survivor since 1992.
While working and raising her children she had many hobbies
including being a very serious home-vintner for approximately 14
years while residing in upstate New York in St. Lawrence County
producing 2,000 to 3,000 bottles of wine a year.
She was the president of the St. Lawrence County chapter of
the American Wine Society in Potsdam
"Tread the Earth Lightly" & in the meantime
may your day be filled with... Peace, Light, and Love, Arlene Wright-Correll ©Copyright
All rights reserved.