08-15-03 The monster weed that I thought couldn't be a big problem turned out to be a big problem when a strong North wind pushed everything over. The trunk and branches have mean thorns that I cannot get anywhere near. The zinnias were about 5 feet tall and with the wind pushing them around, most are now flat on the ground. The first picture shows the zinnias with cantaloupe and cantaloupe blooms.
We've had all the squash we could possibly want but the vines are starting to show stress from the brutal sun. It would look like they don't even make a bloom when it's over 100 degrees. |
The okra bloom is the most beautiful shade of yellow. |
The okra is so hard to spot as it hides among stems and branches. This variety was tough at 5 inches long. I want to try the Longhorn variety that the Tumlinson's have been growing. The info I found about it says they stay tender even as they become huge! |
None of the tomatoes are very big and none have started to ripen but they have not been growing any larger. For a good while Mr. Beep-beep Roadrunner was enjoying the tomato patch and had flattened the vines. No damage was done but I don't think he's been back recently. |