Introduction Well I come from a family of (total) 10 of us kids. 5 and 5. I am the third oldest. Lived in Detroit 'til I turned 32 and decided to hit the roads and head for California,. Lived in California for 15 years, met my husband and we moved back to Michigan. I am 56 years young! No children, I have a tiger cat who is 14. A few rabbits run around here from time to time. In fact I think we have a few living under the deck. We live in the country kind sorta. It is a small town that only has 3 police cars and a volunteer fire department., 1 grocery store and 5 or 6 fast food restaurants (rarely go to them but they are there for convenience) As far as what kind of work I do...I work for an aerospace company and I mainly do their accounts receivables. I love to do crafting and if I don't have something going at the time I would probably go crazy. I have to keep my mind busy at all times. So when retirement time comes up I have no idea what I am gonna do to keep busy! I used to do woodworking and my friend at work thought I was crazy to sell my machines.
I love
gardening (veggies and flowers) and I willing to lend a helping hand
whenever someone needs it! I will include a picture of my Miss Tiffany!
OH AND I ALMOST FORGOT! I was never able to raise African Violets
and after my mother passed away I thought I would give it another try
and guess what! I AM HOOKED AND THEY EVEN BLOOM! I am a
fancier of the Mini Violets and anyone who sells them...I'd like to
see what they have to offer and would like to buy if they ship!