Quotes from the TV Court shows by Nita Holstine |
These were mostly quotes taken from the Court TV
"She know I'm suffering difficulture." Judge Joe Brown "They had splitten up." Judge Joe Brown "Whichin it suppose to." Texas Justice -Judge Larry Joe. As relating to pay a debt with illegally obtained food stamps. "I got dehumiliated in there." Judge Mathis "I'll take you to small court." Judge Mathis "He's blowing it way out of content." Judge Mathis "He's lying off the top." Judge Mathis "It's like an outer body experience." The evening news broadcast "I tried burying bad blood between us." Judge Mathis "These statements are totally unfalse." Judge Judy "Unbenounced to anybody." Divorce Court "He threated me." Judge Mathis "She disregarded my clothing." People's Court The Fox weather guy calls Scurry County, Scary County. Maybe he knows something we don't. "In the event of everything that was going on." Judge Mathis "Your judgeship; Your Majesty" Judge Mathis "My husband is a doctor, a Jackal and a Mr. Hyde." Judge Mathis "We have a straint relationship." Judge Mathis "I had a sick feeling to my stomach." Judge Mathis "I have to go bide by it." People's Court "I was doing a tic for a tac." Judge Mathis "It's amazed how people can lie through their ears." People's Court "Let me first off." Judge Mathis "She tried to weize her way back into my life." Judge Mathis "She manippliates me." Judge Mathis "There's two sides of the book." Judge Mathis "At the same token." Judge Mathis "Everything will prevail." Judge Judy "I have no relalation of the incident." Judge Mathis "Let me tell you the facts of the truth." People's Court "She got on me monies all the time." People's Court