A View from Mel's Place 05-08-05 |
my place. Nita
told me I had not told her (or you all) about little bit. Little
Bit is my neighbors 16 month old son. He is a joy and a blessing. His
mom has gone to boot camp and his daddy works as a contractor. So I
get to play with little bit. We play, go for walks, read stories and
just enjoy each others company. MJ says I am practicing to be a
grandma, though I hope not to be for many years yet. This
week was eventful. Monday night we went to visit MJ�s family; his
sister had driven down from Tuesday
I woke up with a really bad cold, it hit during the night and I am
still worn out! Luckily I had been keeping up with my vitamin c
intake, or it could have been worse! Wednesday
the boys went to their youth group and MJ and I had our date night.
Nothing major but we try to make Wednesday a special supper for us
each week. Thursday
MJ was sick! It seems to have been some form of food poisoning. Chris
had it too and little bit, though neither Drew nor I or little bits
dad seemed to have had it. They all drank milk from the same
container, so we figure it was going south. Friday
MJ was still pretty ill and that night was when Chris began to show
symptoms, little bit showed them beginning Saturday morning. Drew
was gone from Thursday afternoon until about It
was my mom�s day gift and in a grand ceremony he had me pick the
spot in the yard for it to be planted, and planted it right then, even
giving it a good feeding of rose food! Today
being mom�s day I get to relax and play which is good since I am
pretty wiped out from being sick all week! Last
night we had a spectacular storm and I loved watching it. MJ put up
the citronella torch I got on sale at Lowes last week and we sat out
and enjoyed the fire while we watched far off lightening approach.
About This
morning I woke to gorgeous views of God�s flower garden (wild
flowers), my new rose and a bright blue slightly hazed sky. In
the kitchen I was greeted by the sounds of baby birds asking for
breakfast. No I do not have chickens� yet. A mama bird decided the
outside part of our stove vent was a good place to nest. Her babies
seem to get louder and louder everyday! Kitten�s
kittens are playing now, and one comes running out of the closet to
greet me every time he or she notices I am in the bathroom. It is so
cute, a tiny ball of fuzz in dark orange and white. It reminds me of
the orange sherbet creamsicles I loved as a kid. He comes gets a
snuggle then waddles off to play with his siblings. The white one,
nicknamed q-tip, cuz cotton and snow ball are way over done for cats,
also comes to cuddle when he or she sees me. The other orange one will
consent to be petted and snuggled but is content to relax on his or
her own. The little calico is a spit fire! Picking her up may result
in anything from mews to an attempt at hissing and a show of not fully
grown claws! I have never seen a cat with such a fierce personality so
young. I love sitting and watching them play, they just roll around
all fuzzy and soft! Ahhh
I love days like this!