
The photos below were taken about a week ago. Randy and I were sitting in the living room yesterday and looked out the window to see the Roadrunner on the seed table. That means that he was about 4 foot away from us. He was just looking and looking. I figure he wanted me to turn on the water sprinkler in the yard which I did after he moved on. Neither of us had ever been that close to one of the big birds. He had orange circles on the back sides of his head that could only be seen from the back. Not visible from the front. Seemed impossible but the spots just disappeared. Maybe it was the shape of his head. Distinctive black and white marking in his tail which he spread out to ward off other birds. He was very skittish and didn't stay long. He didn't eat any of the seeds but kept looking inside to see what he could see. If I had moved to the camera, the beautiful Beep-Beep would have flown away. Instead, we sat back and enjoyed watching him. 

 Camera Shy Indeed!! The first three photos are of the Roadrunner, named Beep-Beep.

He could see me from outside and just kept moving away.

Gotta love that tuft on top of his head. He came up to the water pan and had a nice long drink of cool fresh water before he saw me in the window.

This guy is not our usual dove.

This variety of dove has black and white markings on his wings while our usual variety has scalloped looking markings.

I had seen this type of dove once several years ago over on the oil pad. He was intent on eating what looked to have been a lizard. He let me get within 5 feet of him and never ran away. This one, I settled for his photo but he didn't come up to the window for seeds though he may have eaten some around the water pan.