Back into the groove again, although
we are still being frugal. I really must go through the
cupboards and see what is available. I am not Mormon, but
looking through my cupboards, one is inclined towards that impression
- there is sooo much food there!
I want to try an experiment with dark
rocks and setting up a sun garden, so that we can have tomatoes, basil
and capsicum (sweet bell peppers) in Winter. I promised Alice
this morning that I would give it a try. Now all that I have to
do is source the stone. Actually, I've
I'll use tyres, there are loads of those around, usually for free, and
I'll do two types, one with them stacked, and the other on the ground,
flat. Hey, I might even do a third, with the tyres forming an
upright fence. The stacked ones will have soil in them, about a
metre high. Seed is cheap, and why not? Easier to weed,
too. I hope.
One of the things that was such a
blessing whilst we were away was the supermarket bought window
squeegee with blade. I even wiped the inside of the van window
with it, and it made morning vision a treat. I have learned that
one should run one's finger along the blade before buying because if
the blade is badly cut, it will not do an even job along the window.
I have for some time carried this squeegee in the car all of the time,
so that I can always lay my hand on it. I am wondering if it
would be worthwhile to squeegee the tent to get a lot of the dew off
in the morning before packing it up.
We have had such lovely sunshiny
weather lately, with no rain due until late tomorrow. Even the
frost and fog have stayed away yesterday and today.
Brian tells me that the pumpkins are
about ready to harvest, so I must be careful when I do so, and leave a
little bit of stalk on them. One of our more infamous Premiers
(a political head of State Governments in Australia) had a wife who
was famous for her pumpkin scones. Must try that if we get an
excess. Want to grow some spaghetti squash too. I love the
stuff. Beautiful steamed with butter, pepper and nutmeg garnish.
I am wondering if I should try to
grow more Tagasaste (Lucerne trees). I could use them as an
edible windbreak (stock edible - they really don't appeal to me) in
the paddock. Shouldn't be too hard to get them going, and the
seeds are scattered just about everywhere out the front of our place.
Why waste them for another year?
I want to find a recipe for apple
butter. Perhaps one makes it like lemon butter. Might do a
search and will let you know the results. A slight excess of
apples from people who care for us, isn't that wonderful? Have
some passionfruit, and will make passionfruit butter soon.
Bought stacks of butter really cheaply at a local supermarket
recently, and it has a long use-by date, praise God.
One of my great joys is Thrift
Shopping, as you know. This coming week I can't wait to get out
and about again for my part-time job and see what the Op Shops have.
The ladies and occasional gentleman who work voluntarily in these
places are sooo nice. I always take a new joke with me to tell
them, and get such a lovely reception.
Here's something to think about:
You Are Blessed
If you woke up this morning with more
health than illness...
you are more blessed than the million
who will not survive this week
If you have never experienced the
danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of
torture, or the pangs of starvation... you are ahead of 500 million
people in the world.
If you can attend a Church meeting
without fear of harassment, arrest, torture or death... you are more
blessed than three billion people in the World.
If you have food in the refrigerator,
clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep... you are
richer than 75% of this World.
If you have money in the bank, in
your wallet, and spare change in a dish somewhere... you are among the
top 8% of the Worlds wealthy.
If your parent are still alive and
still married... you are very rare, even in Australia/North America.
If you can read this, you are more
blessed than over two billion people in the World who cannot read at
What goes around comes around.
Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been
hurt. Dance like no-one's watching. Sing like no-one's
listening. Live like it's Heaven on Earth.
Dominus tecum,