by Arlene Correll

Numerous medical studies show how garlic juice reduces cholesterol and helps the heart. Worldwide people take garlic pills, eat garlic cloves and spray garlic juice on food for good health.

For dogs it does even more:
1. Keeps dogs from having worms and gets rid of worms that are there.
2. Helps keep fleas and ticks off dogs by getting into the dog's system and creating a garlic odor that fleas and ticks detect and avoid the dog altogether.
(Don't worry, your dog won't smell like garlic. Humans can't detect the garlic odor on the dog but the insects sure will!)
3. Helps reduce dog's cholesterol level for good heart function.

Garlic Juice is easiest way to give garlic to your dog, here's how most kennels and dog owners do it: Spray or pour garlic into the dog's food, mix well into the food.

Here's the recommended daily dosage:

5-20 lb. dogs - 4 sprays or 1/4 ounce in food daily.
21-50 lb. dogs - 6 sprays into food and mix well.
51 lbs. and over dogs 8 sprays into food and mix well.

If, for some rare reason your dog will not eat food with the garlic juice in it, mix the garlic juice with soybean oil (available in the cooking oil section at your local supermarket) and mix into food - this also helps make a very nice coat on the dog.

Be sure that any garlic juice you give to your pet or farm animal is pasteurized. It's important, just like you wouldn't feed milk to your pet if it wasn't pasteurized, the same is true with garlic juice. Our juice is pasteurized.

Garlic was originally grown in Central Asia. It has been recognized as one of the most powerful antibiotics available -effective against bacterial, fungal and parasitic infestations. How garlic exerts its medicinal effects
Garlic contains organic allyl sulfur components specifically, S-allyl cysteine and other cysteine derivative like S-alkyl cysteine sulfoxides that are responsible for many of its anticancer, antibiotic, anti-lipid and anti-diabetic properties.

Give your pet some garlic everyday
If your pet dog and cat is nearing middle age or older, it is time to add some garlic to your pet's food. Garlic protects against cancer, enhances immunity and even reduces the formation of athero-sclerotic plaques and thrombi. In companion animals too, garlic has been found to be beneficial in reducing cholesterol levels, and even lowering blood sugar levels.

Listed below are some ways in which you can use garlic to help heal your pet.

For skin boils and other bacterial infections:
Take a bulb of garlic. Crush it and extract the juice. Apply raw garlic juice on the infected areas. Within a week, you will see that your pet's wound has healed and is back to normal.

As a circulation toner, blood purifier and cancer preventer:
Take half a clove of raw garlic. Mash it well. Add the clove in your pet's food everyday. Half a clove of raw garlic should be sufficient if your pet is a large dog. If your pet is a small breed of dog or cat, then a quarter clove of garlic should be enough. However, what you need to make sure is that the garlic that you use is raw not any preserved form of garlic.

The raw garlic will help to improve the circulation, cure any stomach indigestion and flatulence. Besides this, if you give your pet garlic regularly, it will also help to prevent against cancer. However, if your pet already has cancer, then giving garlic may not help very much. However, it can protect your pet from getting worse or developing new tumors.

Another property that garlic has is that it is also a powerful anti-oxidant. Therefore, when you give your pet garlic regularly, it also helps to reduce some of the degenerative changes seen with aging.

Regular consumption of garlic has been found to help reduce the ability of blood to clot and form clots i.e. an anti-thrombotic action effect.

Another age associated change is the development of atherosclerosis i.e. the hardening and narrowing of the blood vessels due to formation of plaque inside the vessel wall. Garlic has also been found to reduce high lipid levels and reduce plaque formation.

Garlic is especially useful for female pets:
Garlic also contains compounds that are weakly oestrogenic. This useful medicinal plant has compounds that have low concentrations of oestrogen and other related compounds. Therefore, although garlic may be very useful for your pets, it may also adversely affect the fertility of your male pet, especially if you have serious plans to breed your pet. Consult your veterinarian before you start your pet on a long term course of medication with garlic.

May be you would like to try out garlic for your pet. Try growing some garlic at home.


Garlic juice is usually sold in spray bottles or in small jars. Look for them in the spice section of larger supermarkets.

To make your own: Strain the juice from a jar of minced or pressed garlic.

Substitutes: granulated garlic (1/4 teaspoon granulated garlic = 1/2 teaspoon garlic juice) OR garlic powder (1/8 teaspoon garlic powder = 1/2 teaspoon garlic juice)

Infused garlic oil

To make your own: Add whole cloves of garlic to olive oil and heat gently, then discard cloves. Use immediately or refrigerate and use within 24 hours. OR Combine one cup vegetable oil and one teaspoon minced garlic. Use immediately or refrigerate and use within 24 hours.