The Asp |
Last week, I killed a baby Asp. It was tiny but easily recognizable. There was a small pile of leaves in the wheelbarrow and I used one leaf to squash him There were no sightings last year at all and only one the year before. They can just become extinct. I am hoping the herbal cure for the Brown Recluse will be as beneficial for the sting of the Asp.
08-23-04 Yesterday morning I spotted one of those cute little fuzzy white caterpillars and stopped to squish it with my fingers. Sure enough, he stung me first. It didn't start getting BAD until evening but by this morning the entire finger is swollen with super blisters at the site of the sting. I mentioned it to Dorothy Tweedt and she said it sounded like an Asp. I went through Google to do a search and got 9 miles of computer lingo and one posting from Texas A & M. Yes, it is an Asp and the sting can be really bad. It mentioned using antihistamines and an ice pack. Randy wanted to take me to the Emergency Room. Why, so he could take off all day to make sure I didn't stop breathing? I can take Benadryl as needed and use as much ice as necessary. This caterpillar does not turn into a beautiful butterfly. It turns into a moth.