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Don’t Stand in the Way of Yourself©
Today I came across some notes I had made to myself in June of 1988. The first line said, "Don’t stand in the way of yourself". Pretty heady stuff when one thinks about it. Why do we limit ourselves? We have tremendous inner reserves and potentials, yet most of us don’t use it. Why? Perhaps it is because we stand in our own way! Read more
The Art of Meditation©
When I started to practice meditation is was simply for two reasons. One was during a religious search and second was for stress reduction. Meditation techniques have been practiced for thousands of years and for me originally the goal was to help me deepen my understanding of the sacred and mystical forces of life. Read more
to Make a Birdhouse Out of Old Wine Corks© I had been saving wine corks for almost a year and when I had 112 of them plus 1 champagne cork I thought I would make a bird house out of these corks. I wanted this to be a totally recycled birdhouse made out of anything I had left over in my art studio or in our stained glass studio. I started with some old ¼" foam board that was left over from the backing when framing some of my paintings. I cut 2 pieces 6.5" x 7.5" for the front and back and 2 pieces 6.5" x 8.5" for the sides. I cut a 1.5" x 2" rectangle in the front piece for an entry. Read more How to Use Your Arts and Crafts as Currency to
Buy What You Need© Long before there was cash, barter was
civilization’s main currency. Aztec
Culture was the follower of the tradition inherited by the Mayas, who
a long time before, used chocolate as currency and food Barter is often regarded as an old-fashioned means of exchange that was superseded because money is far more efficient. After all, in a monetary system an apple grower who needs shoes simply has to find a cobbler. In a pure barter system the apple grower would have to find not just any cobbler but one who happened to want apples at that time. Thus in virtually all civilizations, except the Incas, money came to play an important role. Read more "Finding Our Grandfather in the
Attic"© "While cleaning his attic in September 2005, my brother George found these pictures of our paternal grandfather. This merge is when he was a young man. He was an animal tamer with the Bostock Circus and he was head lined as "Cowboy Brooks". These were postcards of him. George and Barbara had always had lots of pictures of our Grandfather because he lived with them during the last years of his life, so we were delighted when they gave us this treasure trove of pictures. It prompted me to do some research on grandpa. Read more "The Spanish Sketch Book, or the 4 Amigos Go
to Spain" © In our old age, for the past several years, Carl and I have taken holidays with my brother, George and his wife Barbara. We have been all over the world and the American Southwest with them. We have seen wonderful things and have had great times. Thus, each year, we (Carl and I) literally save our pennies for one big 2 week trip some place with them. George, though about 3 years past retirement, is still working and we plan everything around the vacation time he can get. We have done cruises, Europe, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, the American Southwest and have gone in all different modes of travel, including renting a big motor home for 16 days. Read more How to Save Money by Buying at a Farmer’s
Market© The other day we received a flyer from our Hart County Chamber of Commerce alerting us to the fact that Munfordville was going to have a Farmer’s Market on Tuesday and Friday commencing July 7th until the end of October. Not only was that good news, it started me thinking about Farmer’s Markets. If you have never been to a Farmer’s Market, now is a good time to go to one. According to the National Farmer's Market Directory, there are close to 3,000 farmer's markets in the United States. I don’t have the number for them in Europe and around the world, but outdoor farmer's markets are famous for their variety and quality of produce and handmade products. Read more How to Live Within One's Budget© Trying to be frugal or live within one's budget seems to be almost impossible nowadays. Us old folks have a couple of advantages such as those old enough to have been born in the early 30's were probably a part of a family who experienced the "Great Depression", nowadays we don't seem to need as much as we used to and hopefully our meager savings are not being eaten up by medical bills. What did they do in the old days? I can only remember seeing a doctor once when I was about 9 years old and he made a house call to my grandmother's railroad flat in Brooklyn. We relied on home remedies. Read more "What to Do With a Pomegranate"© The other day I came across pomegranates in the produce section of my favorite store and it brought back memories of when I was a young girl, growing up in Brooklyn, NY, one of my most favorite fall treats was getting and eating a pomegranate. We only saw them from September to December, but the green grocer had them out on display as soon as they were available. Read more
the author, Arlene
Wright-Correll (1935-
), free lance writer, award winning artist and avid gardener is
mother of 5 and the grandmother of 8.
For almost 40 years she was an International real estate
consultant and during the last 20 years of her career traveled to many
parts of the world. She
has been a cancer and stroke survivor since 1992.
While working and raising her children she had many hobbies
including being a very serious home-vintner for approximately 14 years
while residing in upstate New York in St. Lawrence County producing
2,000 to 3,000 bottles of wine a year.
She was the president of the St. Lawrence County chapter of the
American Wine Society in
"Tread the Earth Lightly" & in the meantime
may your day be filled with... Peace, Light, and Love, Arlene Wright-Correll