Xeranthemum annuum, also known as Immortelle, is a fast growing annual with daisy-like blooms in lovely shades of purple, rose and white. The blooms have a papery quality, and will keep their color after drying, which makes it perfect for fans of everlasting plants.

Immortelle is drought tolerant, easy to grow and it tolerates most any soil. It doesn't get any better!

The blooms are about an inch across and the plants grow to 2-3 foot tall. Sunny locations do work best, and a well-drained soil. The stems are silverish green in color and the foliage is lacy looking. There is also a dwarf variety as well if it suits you better. Consider growing Immortelle with other everlastings such as Love-In-A-Mist or Globe Amaranth. They also look neat planted alone in large numbers.

Xeranthemum does best when direct seeded into the location you choose after the last frost. Sow the seeds about a 1/4 inch deep. Keep the soil fairly moist until germination. I add an organic fertilizer to the soil before planting. Thin as needed when they begin to sprout.

Germination usually takes from 10-15 days.

Harvest the blossoms as they are opening, but catch them before they open 100%. They can be tied in bunches and hung upside down in a location away from direct sun and humidity. When dried, the flowers are delicate so handle with care.


From Brenda Hyde, owner of Old Fashioned Visit her for more tips, recipes and crafts. Sign up for her free newsletters here: