The cooking of Pheasant

The more simply pheasant is cooked the better. The most popular way to cook a pheasant is to roast it. As pheasant lacks fat in its flesh it should be basted during cooking with butter or oil, the bird can also have fat bacon placed over the breast prior and during cooking to protect the meat from drying out and becoming tough.
If it has been killed from a shotgun blast by a hunter watch out for the shot when you eat it.
As with most game, pheasant is hung until the putrifaction process begins, this can be as little or as long as individual taste dictates, however as soon as the tail feathers come out easily when pulled, the pheasant can be carefully plucked, taking care not to damage the skin, and drawn ready for cooking.
If you are buying pheasant from a butcher, you can ask him to hang it for the specified time, and supply it plucked and drawn on the required day you wish to cook it. If you are given a whole unplucked pheasant, you can hang it yourself in a dry, airy place for 3-10 days by the neck, without being plucked or drawn
Pheasant is best eaten young, and if choosing a fresh bird, the plumage is a guide as all young birds have soft, even feathers. A young pheasant will have long wing feathers which are V-shaped, as distinct from the rounded ones in older birds. The flavor in a young bird is usually much more delicate, and the flesh is more tender than that of older birds.
"Tread the Earth Lightly" & in the meantime
may your day be filled with...
Peace, Light, and Love,
Arlene Wright-Correll