Preparing for Recession
The Dollar Stretcher Blog
by Gary Foreman
Lately it seems everyone is talking about a
possible recession (or even a depression). When the Federal Reserve
drops rates by 3/4% between meetings it's probably time for all of us to
take notice. No one knows for sure whether we'll end up with a recession
or not. But, as we all do know, it's always better to be prepared for
financial challenges. Just in case.
The first thing is to know what your current position is. Are you
spending more than you're making? Do you even know? Where does your
money go each month? The only way to really find out is to track your
spending for a month and compare it to your income. Don't forget to
include items that happen just a few times a year (property taxes, auto
insurance, etc). If you are working you should be making more than
you're spending each month. That extra money can be used for paying down
debt or building an emergency fund.
Next, pay down debt. It's easier to survive a job loss if you don't have
a lot of bills each month. Now is the time to reduce credit card
balances. Even it it means taking a second job or cutting off cable
television. You'll be tempted not to do anything. Just remember that if
you do lose your job it will be too late.
Look for big savings items. With lower rates now might be the time to
refinance your home or car. Compare insurance rates. Make sure that you
really can afford the house or car you're paying for. Typically if your
house is over 40% of income or your car is over 20% you need to do
radical surgery. That means moving to a cheaper home or car.
Take a serious look at your food/grocery/eating out expenses. Most
people spend 15 to 20% of their money on food. But, it's real easy to
spend more. And, it can happen a little at a time. That luscious $4
dessert won't bankrupt you by itself. But, it will take you one step
further from your goal.
Look at your employment situation. If you're honest with yourself, it's
not that difficult to recognize job troubles ahead. Is your employer in
trouble? Is the whole industry suffering? Could your job be done by
someone else for much lower pay? Either within the U.S. or without? Does
technology threaten your job? If you can answer 'yes' to any of those
questions, you'd be wise to consider what your life would be like without
your present job.
Ask yourself if you'd be likely to find the same type of work at a
different employer. It could be that your field is changing. That
happened to me. If you're facing a similar situation begin learning a
new trade now. Don't wait until you lose your job. Waiting will only
make the transition longer.
No, I can't say whether you'll be affected by a recession or if there
will even be a recession this year. But I can tell you that you'll be
better able to handle one if you begin preparing now.
Gary Foreman is the editor of The Dollar Stretcher.com website <
www.stretcher.com> and newsletters. Not only does the site host
thousands of articles on various ways to save money, but you'll also
find a vibrant forum where people share their dollar stretching ideas.
Visit today!
Auction Fever
The Dollar Stretcher Blog
by Gary Foreman
Recently I spent some time watching the Barrett-Jackson collector
car auction. Anyone involved with collector cars has heard of
Barrett-Jackson. Each January they hold a huge auction. This year I
believe they sold something like 2,000 cars!
I love old cars and quite often you'll find me at a local show in my '65
Chevy. Often you'll hear guys (and gals) talking about the eye-popping
bids at Barrett. Yes, there are some exotic, very rare vehicles. But
some of the prices are really unbelievable.
As a car guy and a frugal living guy, I tried to figure out what was
going on. An auction is a complex psychological dance, but even simple
people can gain some insight from studying it.
The first thing is that it's viewed as a competition between the
bidders. I just checked and on the homepage of ebay.com, you'll find
"Don't just shop. Win!" Wow! Somehow I don't get the feeling
of winning when I"m buying a tool at Sears! Missed the whole
"winning" experience! Maybe next time.
On TV the announcers talked about it being like an old western shootout
between two bidders. (somehow I have trouble picturing Matt Dillon
pulling a credit card out of his holster in the opening scene of
Gunsmoke) Don't get me wrong. There is a lot of ego involved. And, if
someone outbids me, the assumption is that he has more money than I do.
That could be a big deal when you know that people all over the country
are going to see someone with a bigger bidder's paddle than I have.
Another part of the push to ever higher bids is the audience. When the
bidding gets near a round number ($100,000 or $250,000 or $1,000,000)
the auctioneer would ask the audience to encourage the bidders. I really
don't know why they complied. Should it really matter to me whether
someone pays $95k or $100k for a car? If he pays more it favors the
seller (who I don't know). If he pays less it favors the buyer (who I
also don't know). Why would spectators cheer for higher bids?
The urgency of the situation also effects bidders. You have to make a
decision right now. Not tomorrow. Not later. Right now. And, (you're
told over and over) you don't want to miss this one. Once it's gone you
may never get another chance at it. So step up now before it's too late.
One other thing seemed noteworthy. For the really high-end stuff, there
are buyers for museums and very private collections. These buyers are
typically very calm and collected. The auctioneers don't seem to try to
goad them into higher bids. My guess is that they know that won't work
on them. They've done their research before the bidding began and they
pretty much know exactly how high they are willing to go. (and they
won't change their mind in the middle of the bidding)
So what's this have to do with you? You're not thinking of buying a
collector car. Ahh, but you do shop on eBay.com. And, you've got a bid
in on that cute little purse that closes in 15h 56m. Don't want to miss
that. The seller says that it's unique. Plus there are other people who
are bidding on it. Some might even see your name on the 'high bidder'
space. Kinda sounds familiar doesn't it. The same tactics work no matter
what's being sold at auction.
So, just as you'd be careful not to accidentally buy a $50,000 car at
Barrett-Jackson, it's probably a good idea not to make a mistake and buy
a $50 purse on eBay.com.
Gary Foreman is the editor of The Dollar Stretcher.com website <
www.stretcher.com> and newsletters. Not only does the site host
thousands of articles on various ways to save money, but you'll also
find a vibrant forum where people share their dollar stretching ideas.
Visit today!