This is the patch as it started. Surprise Lilies, Ladies Mantle, Foxglove, German Statice and a few other things mixed in

This is my spindly Queen of the Prairie and my first year Tree Lilies.

Tree Lilies bloomed out


We had such a warm winter that I had a lot of plants self-sow and come back! This is75%  self seeded. (Rose Moss)

No plants were planted by hand here!


Better of Gazinnias


No more flowers

Rick did get some Marigolds

Front porch pots

My Bunny Tails didn't survive all the rain. They were so cute. I was really hoping to see them grow bigger, but they are now gone.

My Edelweiss DID survive and is doing great.

This is my "Love" flower bed. I am so proud of the German Statice (it looks like Baby's Breath). Also, all is not lost. I have a volunteer Amaranth coming up!! It's behind the Foxglove. As you can see from the bottom picture, I lost all my "alley flowers" to the new pavement.  But there is a couple Amaranth coming up out there; so there's hope for them!