Most of the oaks are leafing out with their cute little tendrils doing their graceful little thing, despite being hard on the sinuses. 

That's Randy's famous wave

He waves but hopes to be back to working on the house very soon

This is a close up of the following photo.


This is the Redbud tree. The pretty blossoms were snapped by the cold but they are leafing out nicely.

The oaks are beginning to fill in and look full.

See the blooms near the center?

The Fluffs, Orange and White (Orange has more orange and White has very little Orange)

A wagon full of tomato plants.

Very few left inside the greenhouse. With a major hail storm forecast for tomorrow, all that are not planted will move back inside for protection.

Miss White Fluff

More tomato plants.

One of Sly's many napping places.