Remembering the Children of September
11th Matthew 2:18 - " ... Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more." (NKJV) Christine Lee Hanson and Asia Cottom will never meet, but they
will be linked together forever. For you see, Christine and Asia
were two of the eight children that were killed as the planes they
were on, slammed into their intended targets, on September 11th,
2001. Christine, on her way to Disneyland, was on United Airlines
flight 175, as it crashed into the South Twin Tower at 9:03am. Asia,
on a school field trip, was on American Airlines Flight 77, when it
made its murderous plunge into the west-side of the Pentagon, at
9:37am on that same terrible day. Let's pray for the loved ones of these children lost on September
11th. It's been estimated that over 3,000 children lost a parent on September 11th, 2001. For most of American the shock of 9/11 has worn off, but to those 3,000 children the memories and longing will last a lifetime. Every happy occasions, will become a reminder that Dad or Mom (or both) aren't there. When we see film of the Twin Towers falling, we see a reminder of that horrible Tuesday, but to those children who lost parents that day, it's watching their murder all over again. Let's pray for the Children of September 11th that lost parents
in the attack The military response, to the attack on America, has taken many Americans to far away lands, and over 890,000 members of our Armed Forces, are parents. The children of these deployed parents, wonder and wait for the safe return of those they love and miss. But knowing that many of these parents are stationed "in harm's way", must leave most of these children with fear and apprehension. Let's pray for the children that have parents that have been sent
overseas to defend our Country. Jesus said in Matthew 19:14 - "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." 15 When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there. (NIV) You may or may not ever meet a parent that lost a child on 9/11, or know a child that lost a parent on that day, or know of a child that has a parent fighting on the other side of the world... but you can still "let the little children come to" Jesus, by taking these children to the Throne of Grace, in prayer for them. So as we reach another anniversary of that "world-changing" day, take a moment and pray that the "God of all comfort" will comfort these children, and those that lost them, in a very special and tender way. Many signs and bumper stickers say that we will "Never Forget"
what happened on September 11th, 2001. So let's do our part by
remembering these children in our prayers. Steve Ares Join the "e-light" Facebook Page Our thanks to Lana for sharing this item with us.