This garden will kill me one of these days


I have come to the conclusion gardening is a bad for my health.  Dh put the blade on my brush cutter for me the other day and now I have a chunk out of my arm because of it.  I must have caught a stone and it flew up and sliced my arm.  It was my own fault as I should have had a long sleeve shirt on, but it was hot outside, so I only had a t-shirt on.  Still it hurt and it looks icky.


I actually shaved my legs the other day…….ready for the summer weather!!  I am a bit like a sheep being sheared for the spring, when it comes to shaving my legs.  I noticed a big scar on my leg, from last year when the old whipper snipper attacked me.  Again probably my own fault as I was obviously not wearing long pants.


I had the carpal tunnel operated on my right hand a few years ago.  I was busy scraping weeds out of the cracks of the paving stones, and now I can hardly type as my poor hand is killing me.  So guess I have aggravated that again!!


I am forever getting the lawn tractor stuck in the ditch and have to push it out.  One of these days my poor old back is going to fight back and out will pop another disc!!  Again I know my fault; don’t try to get the lawn tractor to go where it shouldn’t!!


We have been in the house a year, so you would think I would know where to duck when I am cutting the grass, so the trees don’t hit me; but no my poor arms are all scraped to bits.  I wear my sunglasses all the time when I am outside, which has saved me a few times from getting poked in the eye with a branch. 


I am hobbling around with heel spurs on both my feet.  I know I should be resting my feet, but the garden keeps calling my name, so outside I have to go and work in there.


So maybe it’s time I invested in a full set of body armour to work in the garden?


For more of what I have been up to pop by my blog: That British Woman