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Did someone trick you? This past week there has been an email showing up saying that "I" have been sending out virus encoded messages and boy am "I" in big trouble. The have found a way to utilize the mailing list for a place called HealthCentral newsletters. I took the time to send them an email to let them know what was going on. See their mass mailing for (same as last time) reference. Note where it says that the doings have been stopped. No, they have not. The most amazing was one lady this morning who sounded in hysterics demanding to know what was going on, "how did you get my address." She hit REPLY and did what was expected of her. At least hundreds of inboxes across the country were jammed with her message. It was complete with her law firm address, her phone number, her email address and all on some really fancy professional background (the signature for all her outgoing messages.) All of the messages are Super angry, saying remove me from your list ! And do it right away ! Well, we have a list but of course, these people are not on our list. Now, if you get upset and hit REPLY, watch out - You'll be swamped with emails with your address at the top as the offended party and that message will go out immediately. The messages are to HealthCentralTopTenList... and they are from the same name. They list an actual email address implying that this person has received a message from ME and I am warned to never do this again ! Okay, what's the purpose. I know because I've been through several versions of this sales tactic before. |
This fun will end when you finally
realize what they are selling. We've been through much worse stupid
scams so this is easier to deal with now. You will be on the mailing
list for all the newest and best of the anti-virus protection sales.
They scare you, get you upset and then they move in to allow you to buy
what you need to keep it from happening again.
The people who will be sending you "opt-in opportunities" have purchased a list of specific needs individuals. They have been lied to but they proceed thinking they are getting what they have paid for and now can be assured of a sale from every listing. They confidently give the name of a fictitious network type association as it was given to them, they call you their subscriber and if you try to unsubscribe, you are passed on to another type of "active" email list. You may stop mail from one name, but you will start probably a dozen more. It will spread like infection. I am up to 111 junk mails deleted this morning and it's not 9 a.m. yet. NEVER respond to any solicitation offering any DEAL no matter how Free it is. Many websites are equipped to retain your email address and use it to send their own advertising and to sell as well since they made no agreement not to do so. All you do is to visit from another link just to see what they are about but they've got your address. Many of the big names now days use the same tactics and their members are so inclined to believe this the norm for modern day Internet sales maneuvers. I quit subscribing to PC Computing's email newsletter when the only software they promoted was their very own "how to send your own anonymous email opt-in bulk unsolicited" messages. And they are proud of it. The only way to escape the increasing load of junk mail is to change the address you use for everyday correspondence and shut down the infested old one; do it regularly. When we started with the original addy, I signed up for everything so I could learn first hand what was offensive. Some sites are all they say and they never share your address and you never again hear from them when you tell them to unsubscribe you. Every time you go and run a search, you and your choices are logged into the data base and at least the statistics are sold if not everything they know about you. This technology has allowed the porn industry to present children promised to be no more than 6 years old for a hefty price. Anonymous addresses guarantee the sender cannot be caught. I ran a search and found that the places to report such offenses to be about 2 years behind the times with no way to report anything. There was more space given to the New Zealand child lover groups on google. Use caution and don't get too attached to your original address, you can never get them to leave you alone. Your server may allow you to turn off the account long enough to lose most of the offenders. Are you aware that most of the big name carriers limit the number of messages you can send and receive. If they use a spam filter that catches only imbedded images, they will stop our newsletter and delete it. Our server tried their version and they caught all our new subscriber sign ups. We publish every Friday night and there are always plenty that are returned because the recipient has exceeded their limit or their box is full. The scanned and rejected are the same as if the account were closed. Have you noticed the latest email ads telling how you can make lots of money? Sign up and give your opinions of different subjects. They make money by selling your address on a mailing list of interested people and you might make a little for one survey but that's not on a repeating or regular basis. It is implied but it is not so. The same with "get paid to shop and eat out." Always use extreme caution and remember that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.