Functional Furniture:
When you are looking for active use furniture but don’t want to
spend too much for something the kids may tear up fairly quickly,
consider looking in the patio furniture section. The fabrics are usually
heavy enough to stand up to outdoor use and are still most attractive.
The prices will be much lower than the more ornamental furniture when
you also figure in all the wear and tear.
Save a Little on the
Electric Bill:
If you want to have the wonderfully fluffy and most absorbent
bath towels all the time without having to toss them in the dryer and
use all that 220 power, try this idea. Just before you get out of the
shower or tub, use the washcloth to dry off. Wring the rag out several
times and see all the water you have been asking that towel to absorb
and then have to dry before it sours.
You will dry off nicely and leave behind a dry towel.
Of Dust Mites, Control and
I had run a search on pest control looking for ways to handle the
rodents, opossums and raccoons. I found little help but I did subscribe
to a magazine for industry pest control people. It was definitely not
anything I was interested in but I did learn that they routinely get
lots of people claiming that they saw and could actually “feel”
little tiny pests. The professionals suggested that the funny farm be
called and send out the men with the butterfly nets and straight
jackets. I couldn’t unsubscribe fast enough.
We’d just gone through all the 20 miles of testing to see what
was causing all the allergy reaction. Yes, indeed, the culprits were
dust mites. They are not imaginary but much of the Internet search
information conflicted from one to the next. The best tips and hints came from the allergist.
One of the best tips I gleaned was how washing your bed linen
removed almost all of the little critters. Hot water was only slightly
ahead of cold water and a hot dryer was excellent in removing even more!
Never hang clothes on the clothesline and allow drying outdoors. It was
mentioned that new pillows were in order complete with protectors that
would not allow the mites to enter the pillows. That seemed an awfully
great expense until one day after I’d made a brand new pillow and it
was noticed that a new pillow had made the ringing ears fall silent. All
the months of trying all sorts of medicines to correct an unknown
problem and the problem was something so simple.
One of those inspired observations was that to adequately vacuum
a carpet, it required a special $700 vacuum cleaner. You then have to
vacuum twice a week and install and use a high-end air filter. Linoleum,
that’s the way to go.
Fun with Epsom Salt:
We always had a big jar of these salt crystals on hand for a hot
soaking bath when the muscles were sore. They can be found in most any
grocery store in the health aid dept. The fun part is watching a
child’s face light up when they see the crystal patterns the solution
will make. Take about a cup of Epsom salts and add only enough water to
make a thick liquid. Too thin and it will run down the surface. Use a
sponge or rag to dab the liquid salt solution onto a windowpane or
mirror. Be watching as the salt dries. I’ve always wanted to try
adding a few drops of food color. Any excess moisture on the glass will
cause the crystals to run so try to keep this a short-term project and
clean up well when finished.