ideas on how to Quit Smoking Websites Well Worth the Visit |
2008 seems to be choose your
own date. I did a google search and found some places featuring
October 27th, November 11th, 13th and 20th. No two had the same
date and the CDC site mentions no smokeout or date at all.
Thursday, November 18, 2004 will be the Great American Smokeout. Mark the date and try to give up the cigarettes! |
National Center For Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Tobacco Information & Prevention Source (TIPS) They have lots of great help at this site. |
I saw this site advertised on television and knew I wanted to add it to this section for anyone who might be looking for help. It is most important to just keep trying. |
http://www.cancer.org/docroot/ped/ped_10_4.asp?sitearea=ped This address will take you directly to the Great American Smokeout. This year, the day to celebrate is November 21, 2002. At the site find programs in your own area, a how to map out your own method of quitting. Look through the list of brochures & pamphlets they have available. Come on, you have to psych yourself up just to quit for an hour. See how strong your will power can be when tested; give it a day or give it forever. Take the challenge, do it for yourself and all the other people in your life will benefit. This site was started in 1997 and looks like it was updated for last year's Great American Smokeout. It has a lot of great information and hints to help. Well worth the visit. http://www.brainconnection.com/topics/?main=fa/pleasure-principle (Read
The Pleasure Principle: Connections
between Reward & Learning by Joanna Schaffhausen) Brain
Connection is a great site, essential to teachers and anyone wanting to
learn why they are stuck with a set way of thinking that is so bad. Sign
up and they will send you a weekly email with lots of info and a handy
link to their site.