About Insect & Spider Stings & Bites - Treatment & Repelling |
The spider above is one that
spins a web across the outside of our kitchen window. Catches all
the little bugs that come up at night to the light. Looks big? A
real 3 inches long.
The Brown Recluse Spider - All information that has been collected. At last, a positive treatment and cure. |
The Bedbug - And they are making a comeback. Nasty bites and most difficult to be rid of. We haven't seem here but we hear everyone in New York complaining. |
The Chigger - everything I could find on the mean little dickens. Find included valuable information from Kelly Warden in Brandsville, MO about a treatment that works wonders for her. |
The Asp - You can be glad this critter is only found in Texas. Horrible sting but I am still looking for a treatment, something that doesn't require weeks of recovery. |
Spiders - There are so many different ones, not all are bad. I will continue to collect sites with great info to share. Let me know what you find. |
Scroll on down this page to find assorted hints and tips for dealing with stings and the itching. |
Kathy Vilseck, The Scrubbie Lady, sent in an item about the Brown Recluse Spider. Click Here to see photos of the spider and the injury it does inflict. Be prepared, it is way gross. |
This is just in from Pam Murphy (Real Country Life) about stings! For stings we always pulled any stingers and then put on a baking soda paste. I'm not deathly allergic to bee stings, but I do swell up. I almost lost my wedding band last year when my finger swelled up around it. Thank goodness the swelling went down before my husband put his foot down and made me go get the band cut off. Another person was telling me they never get bit. I think it has to do with the pH in their body. I don't know what else it would be. From Nita: I am finding more folks not affected by stings or bites of any kind. Even Byron Tumlinson is not bothered. Randy has very few and no reaction to bee or wasp stings. Kathy Vilseck is not bothered by most but her husband is. |
This is just in from Kathy Vilseck:
About treating stings: How about trying some meat tenderizer. That
is what the emergency rooms in South Texas do with jellyfish and
man-of-war stings. Draws the poison out. Just make a paste
and put it on the sting. I have used baking soda in warm to hot
water for various stings (including spiders). Anything drawing...
meat tenderizer, baking soda, Epsom salts.. anything like that
to get the poison out. Oh, and did you know that Benadryl makes a
cream. Can't use it when you are taking the pills but it does work
and it doesn't make you sleepy. |
Just Received this from Rose B. Mother of 3 in NC: 08-20-04
I have found that I can get relief
from bee and wasp stings by dabbing on a little ammonia.
I just used this remedy yesterday!
After the storm winds had passed, I went outside to see what kind of
branches were down if there was other damage, etc. It seems a colony
of stinging insects have lost their home, or it's sopping wet, and
they were in a bad mood. Ouch, one on the cheek and one on the shin.